Posted in ladder rack, van ladder rack

From Cluttered to Organized: How A Ladder Rack Can Transform Your Van

From Cluttered to Organized: How A Ladder Rack Can Transform Your Van

If you’re a tradesperson, contractor, or outdoor enthusiast who often finds their van cluttered with equipment and gear, a ladder rack can be a game-changer. These simple yet effective accessories can transform your van from a chaotic mess to a well-organized workspace, providing a wide range of benefits that enhance efficiency, safety, and convenience. In this article, we’ll explore how a ladder rack can revolutionize your van and improve your overall experience on the job or during your outdoor adventures.

Maximizing Storage Space: One of the most significant advantages of installing a ladder rack for a van is the ability to maximize storage space. Instead of cluttering the interior of your van with ladders, tools, and equipment, a ladder rack allows you to securely store items on the exterior, freeing up valuable space inside. This not only reduces clutter but also increases your van’s storage capacity, allowing you to carry more gear and supplies without sacrificing comfort or safety.

Enhanced Organization: A well-designed ladder rack provides a dedicated space for storing ladders, pipes, lumber, and other oversized items that are often difficult to manage inside a van. By organizing your equipment on the exterior of your vehicle, you can quickly locate and access the items you need without rummaging through a cluttered interior. This improves efficiency and productivity on the job, helping you complete tasks more effectively and in less time.

Improved Safety: Cluttered vans pose significant safety risks for drivers and passengers, especially in the event of sudden stops or accidents. Loose equipment and tools can become projectiles, causing injury or damage to occupants and property. By utilizing a ladder rack to store bulky items securely on the exterior of your van, you can minimize these risks and create a safer driving environment for everyone on the road.

Protection for Equipment: In addition to enhancing safety, a ladder rack helps protect your valuable equipment and gear from damage during transport. By securing ladders and other items on the exterior of your van, you reduce the risk of scratches, dents, and other forms of damage that can occur when items shift or collide inside the vehicle. This prolongs the lifespan of your equipment and saves you money on costly repairs or replacements.

Easy Access and Loading: With a ladder rack installed on your van, accessing and loading equipment becomes quick and hassle-free. Instead of wrestling with heavy ladders or awkwardly shaped items inside the van, you can simply lift them onto the rack and secure them in place using integrated tie-downs or straps. This not only saves time and effort but also reduces the risk of strain or injury associated with manual handling tasks.

Versatility and Customization: Modern ladder racks come in a variety of styles and configurations to suit different vehicles and applications. Whether you have a compact cargo van or a full-size work truck, you can find a ladder rack that fits your vehicle and meets your specific needs. Many racks also offer customization options such as adjustable height or modular design, allowing you to configure the rack to accommodate different types of equipment and gear.

Professional Appearance: A well-organized van with a neatly installed ladder rack conveys professionalism and reliability to clients and customers. When you arrive at a job site with a clean and organized vehicle, it instills confidence in your abilities and demonstrates that you take your work seriously. This can lead to increased trust and satisfaction among clients, ultimately helping you build a positive reputation and grow your business.

Increased Productivity: By streamlining your workflow and eliminating the time wasted searching for tools or equipment, a ladder rack can significantly increase your productivity on the job. With everything neatly organized and easily accessible, you can focus more time and energy on completing tasks efficiently and delivering high-quality results. This allows you to take on more jobs, maximize billable hours, and ultimately increase your earning potential.

In conclusion, a ladder rack is a simple yet essential accessory that can transform your van from cluttered chaos to organized efficiency. By maximizing storage space, enhancing organization, improving safety, protecting equipment, facilitating easy access and loading, offering versatility and customization, presenting a professional appearance, and increasing productivity, a ladder rack provides a wide range of benefits that can revolutionize your work or outdoor adventures. Whether you’re a tradesperson, contractor, or outdoor enthusiast, investing in a quality ladder rack is a decision that pays off in terms of efficiency, convenience, and overall satisfaction.

Posted in Ladder Hoist, ladder rack

Ladder Rack Vs. Ladder Hoist: Which One is Better for Your Van?

Ladder Rack Vs. Ladder Hoist: Which One is Better for Your Van?

Choosing between a ladder rack and a ladder hoist for your van largely depends on your specific needs, the type of work you do, and the convenience you seek. Both options have their advantages and considerations. Let’s compare the two to help you make an informed decision.

Ladder Rack:

Ladder Rack Advantages:

Accessibility: Ladder racks for vans provide easy access to your ladder. They typically consist of crossbars or a framework mounted on the roof of your van, allowing you to secure the ladder securely. This design ensures that you can quickly retrieve and stow your ladder without much hassle.

Versatility: Ladder racks can accommodate various ladder sizes and other long materials. They are versatile enough to carry items like pipes, lumber, or other elongated tools, making them suitable for a range of professions, from construction to maintenance.

Cost-Effective: In general, ladder racks tend to be more cost-effective than ladder hoists. They are a straightforward solution for transporting ladders and other lengthy items on the roof of your van without the need for complex mechanical systems.

Ladder Rack Considerations:

Height Restrictions: Ladder racks add height to your van, which may be a concern if you frequently need to navigate low-clearance areas. Be mindful of this limitation, especially if you often park in garages or structures with height restrictions.

Manual Handling: While ladder racks offer accessibility, they require manual handling to load and unload ladders. This might not be an issue for many users, but it’s worth considering if you have physical limitations or if you prioritize a fully automated solution.

Ladder Hoist:

Ladder Hoist Advantages:

Effortless Lifting: A ladder hoist automates the process of lifting and lowering your ladder. With a hoist system, you can raise and lower your ladder with minimal physical effort, making it an excellent option for those who want a more hands-free solution.

Time Efficiency: Ladder hoists are designed for quick and efficient operation. If time is a crucial factor in your work, a ladder hoist can help streamline your workflow by reducing the time spent on manual handling.

Single-Person Operation: Ladder hoists are often designed for single-person operation, allowing you to manage the entire process independently. This can be advantageous if you frequently work alone or don’t have an extra set of hands to assist you.

Ladder Hoist Considerations:

Cost: Ladder hoists tend to be more expensive than traditional ladder racks. The automated lifting mechanism and associated technology contribute to the higher cost. Consider your budget and weigh the benefits of automation against the additional expense.

Complexity: Ladder hoists involve mechanical components that may require maintenance over time. Consider the complexity of the system and your ability to perform any necessary repairs or maintenance.

In conclusion, the choice between a ladder rack and a ladder hoist depends on your specific preferences and requirements. If you prioritize easy access, versatility, and cost-effectiveness, a ladder rack may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you value effortless lifting, time efficiency, and single-person operation, a ladder hoist might be the more suitable option for your van.

Posted in ladder rack

How A Ladder Rack Can Revolutionize Your Van?

How A Ladder Rack Can Revolutionize Your Van?

A ladder rack can be a game-changer for anyone who relies on a van for work or recreational purposes. This simple yet effective accessory has the power to revolutionize the way you utilize your van, providing numerous benefits in terms of efficiency, convenience, and overall functionality.

One of the primary advantages of a ladder rack is its ability to maximize the storage capacity of your van. A ladder rack for the van allows you to take advantage of the often-underutilized vertical space on top of your van. 

This means that you can transport long and bulky items such as ladders, pipes, and lumber without sacrificing the interior space of your van. This newfound capacity is particularly beneficial for professionals in construction, carpentry, plumbing, and various other trades where transporting lengthy equipment is a daily necessity.

The convenience offered by a ladder rack cannot be overstated. Loading and unloading ladders and other lengthy items become a breeze with a properly installed rack. No more struggling to fit awkwardly shaped items into the confined space of your van. 

The rack provides a secure and easily accessible location for your equipment, saving you time and effort on every job. This level of convenience not only streamlines your workflow but also contributes to a more organized and efficient work environment.

Safety is another critical aspect that a ladder rack addresses. Improperly secured items inside a van can pose a serious risk, especially when sudden stops or turns are necessary. 

A ladder rack eliminates this concern by providing a secure and stable platform for your equipment. Many ladder racks come with locking mechanisms or tie-down options, ensuring that your valuable tools and materials stay in place during transit. This not only protects your equipment but also prevents potential damage to the interior of your van.

Beyond the practical benefits, a ladder rack can enhance the professional image of your business. Arriving at a job site with a neatly organized and easily accessible set of tools sends a positive message to clients and colleagues alike. It demonstrates a commitment to professionalism and efficiency, which can ultimately contribute to the success and reputation of your business.

Moreover, the versatility of ladder racks extends beyond work-related activities. Outdoor enthusiasts can use them to transport recreational gear such as kayaks, canoes, or even bikes, expanding the utility of their van for weekend adventures. This dual-purpose functionality makes a ladder rack a worthwhile investment for both work and play.

In conclusion, a ladder rack has the potential to revolutionize your van and significantly impact the way you approach your work or recreational activities. From maximizing storage space and enhancing convenience to improving safety and projecting a professional image, the benefits are numerous. 

Whether you’re a tradesperson, contractor, or outdoor enthusiast, a well-designed and properly installed ladder rack is a practical and versatile addition that can elevate the functionality of your van to new heights.

Posted in Uncategorized

What are the benefits of using a Ladder Rack for your van

What are the benefits of using a Ladder Rack for your van
What are the benefits of using a Ladder Rack for your van

Using a ladder rack for your van can instantly transform it from a simple vehicle to a fully functional eco-friendly mobile workshop. If you are an avid worker, travelling to different jobs and enjoying flexible and smart solutions, than a ladder rack for your van is just the thing for you.

Instead of carrying your ladder around using old school ropes and trying to fix it in place with whatever material you find, you can invest in a ladder rack that guarantees stability of the ladder during transportation.

The most important advantage of a ladder rack is the fact that it can be universal and compatible with most ladder models out there. This means you do not have to worry about your vehicle not being appropriate for it because any vehicle can be turned into a mobile workshop. In addition, they are easy to assemble on your van as all they require is a flat surface.

One other important benefit of a ladder rack is its safety feature. They are easy to use and cause no damage to the operator, therefore anyone can use them. Adding to the advantages of using a ladder rack is the material it comes in.

The ladder can than be dropped to the ground and shifted up onto the rooftop of the van in a few minutes. This is an operation that can be repeated effortlessly throughout the day. Therefore, you, the operator, do not have to tire yourself out with this simple task.

Get more cargo space

Rather than cramming things into the bed of your work truck, ladder racks deliver extra cargo space instantly. Rather than place a large ladder in the bed of your truck, you can secure it on top of your van or truck and fit more in the truck.  It’s a very cost-effective solution.

Work more efficiently

If you stop and think about it, you’ll quickly realize how much time it takes to load ladders in your truck.  Our auto-retracting rack straps help get everything stored up top much faster than using bungee cords or straps.  This makes your drive to the job site and contractor store much more efficient. 

When your ladders and materials are stored properly, you are able to work more efficiently.  Cleaning up the job site is simpler too. With your ladders and materials properly placed about the truck, you’ll have more space in your truck bed for tools and equipment.

Secure storage

Trucks are expensive and if your ladder isn’t properly stored, it could become damage your truck.  Ryder Racks keep ladders and materials stationary, so you don’t need to worry about anything slipping or falling.  Always buy the best ladder rack you can afford, as it will perform better and last longer than a budget version of this work essential.

Posted in cargo van, Commercial Van



The noise generated by roof racks and roof bars is caused by a phenomenon known as “Karman vortex streets”. In simple terms, a series of noisy vortices forms when airflow strikes the first cross bar. Now, Syncro engineers have designed the new ULTRASILENT profile for application under the first cross bar to eliminate this annoying noise. By breaking up the air flow that passes between the cross bar and the van roof, the new profile prevents the formation of vortices and dramatically reduces roof rack noise.
Even before this latest innovation, Alurack roof racks were particularly silent thanks to their specially shaped aluminium cross bars. Alurack ladder racks are made of aluminium bars, with a rear stainless steel roll and side aluminium wall.

Now, with the new Ultrasilent ribbed profile in place, noise is slashed by an additional 50%, making your van superbly silent even at motorway speeds and above. These new noise-reducing profiles are extremely light, do not take up useful load space and do not interfere with the use of ropes or straps to secure cargo.


If a single ladder slide is fitted, the remaining section of roof rack is fitted with rubber top profiles, fittings, side fence and rear loading roller. No more heavy lifting to get your ladders on to the roof of your van! Here is the ideal complement to any van roof rack!


Double-slide ladder racks comprise a set of van roof fittings and two pivoting or damped-action slides for easy and fatigue-free loading and unloading of ladders in full compliance with all relevant health and safety legislation. Cary your ladders safely and effortlessly! Here is the ideal complement to any van roof rack!


Syncro ladder racks make loading and unloading ladders to and from the roof of your van easy and safe.
Pivoting ladder racks pivot ladders just beyond their centre of gravity.
Operator effort during loading and loading is therefore significantly reduced by the weight of the ladder itself. This type of ladder rack is ideal for vans with low roofs, like the Doblò, Berlingo, Kangoo, Transporter, Vito etc..

Damped-action ladder racks incorporate a damper that slows the descent of the slide and, in some cases a gas spring to reduce loading effort. Thanks to their special design, these ladder racks lower the ladder all the way to the ground irrespective of the height of the vehicle. It is not necessary to lift the ladder on or off the slide. These ladder racks are ideal for medium and large vans like the Vivaro / Trafic, Ducato, Master, Daily, Sprinter etc.


The latest innovation from Syncro System is ideal for van users who want to carry a ladder inside their vans but do not want to do without racking or clutter up the floor.
Syncro’s new under-roof racks hold your ladder securely in place under the van roof, leaving the cargo compartment beneath free. The adjustable stop can be folded away for easier access to the cargo compartment.

These ladder racks feature an automatic system for locking the slide at the end of its travel and an adjustable stop for holding the ladder at the rear. Operation is extremely quick, easy and safe. The ladder locks in place automatically at the end of its travel and, once secured with a strap at the back, remains firmly in place.
This system offers clear advantages: your ladder travels hidden from sight and you don’t need the hassle of added bulk of a roof rack, meaning that you save in fuel too. And fuel economy is something we can’t afford to forget …


Syncro aluminium pipe carriers integrate perfectly with the Syncro modular roof rack system. They can be fitted to roof bars, roof racks and in conjunction with ladder racks, in any position and on any make and model of van. As with all Syncro System van racking products, pipe carriers represent a future-proof investment. You can move them easily from one van to another when needed.
They are made from aluminium with a tough, oven-hardened paint finish for excellent weather resistance.
They come with two lockable access doors for maximum security on the road.
The standard length is 3000 mm.


These ladders, for installation on the rear door, provide safe and easy access to the roof of your vehicle.
They are made from lightweight and weatherproof aluminium and can be installed without drilling the bodywork. Ladders and fittings are available for most medium and large vans.

Posted in cargo van, Commercial Van

Upfitting High-Roof and Compact Vans

Upfitting High-Roof and Compact Vans

With vans now in all shapes and sizes, from small compact models to long wheelbase, high-roof models, a plethora of available van upfitting options are available to fleet managers. 

Ladder Racks

Adrian Steel Drop-Down & Grip Lock Ladder Racks

Adrian Steel’s new ladder rack family caters to individual fleet needs. The new ladder rack family consists of the Drop-Down ladder rack for van and the Grip Lock Ladder Rack.

Solve safety, efficiency, and accountability challenges with fleet tracking

The Drop-Down Ladder Rack includes exclusive “Twist to Adjust” patent pending adjustment knobs that allow the user to set up the ladder rack to their ladder in just seconds versus 30-45 minutes of traditional drop-down racks.

The new, low profile outboard design lowers the handle down for simplified operation. The easy-to-reach rotational handle and two-stage drop provides an ergonomic load and unload height, with technicians 5-foot 4-inches and taller safely and easily able operate the drop-down ladder rack.

The Grip Lock Ladder Rack includes a new tilt angle design, which enhances ease of operation. Simplified loading and unloading make it easier than ever for users 5-foot 7-inches and taller to operate. Clamps secure the ladder during transportation, eliminating the need for straps or bungee cords to keep a ladder in place.
In addition, all ladder racks are protected from the elements and are corrosion resistant. The natural aluminum finish reduces corrosion and is 15% lighter than traditional steel racks.

Leggett & Platt Ladder Racks

The easy-to-use and dependable ladder racks from Leggett & Platt can hold various sizes and styles of ladders. Ladders are clamped to the side of the van and easily raised to the roof, helping prevent strain for the user and damage to the vehicle or ladder. For security, drivers can simply lock the handle with a standard padlock to protect the ladder from theft. In addition, vinyl-coated clamps resist abrasion and the convenient operating handle securely locks ladders in place, extending the life of both the ladder and the ladder rack.

With only one moving part, ladder racks are designed to be maintenance-free for a lifetime. In addition, many racks install to existing vehicle hardware, which means no drilling is required. Other racks include roof-mounted bolt-through feet and reinforcement plates; some drilling is required. The racks are also adjustable to fit multiple step and extension ladders.

Cargo Solutions

American Eagle’s new heavy-duty aluminum drawer systems provide heavy-duty mobile storage with weight savings up to 41% compared to its steel counterpart. The American Eagle Aluminum Series Heavy-Duty drawer systems feature 500-pound capacity rated slides to support heavy tools and other parts and equipment. Each drawer is constructed of lightweight aluminum to offer weight savings and corrosion resistance. Each drawer is fitted with a non-slip liner that adds additional protection for valuable tools and aids in drawer organization.

The heavy-duty aluminum drawer systems also offer such standard features as individual locking drawers that use a single-handed T-Handle, powder-coated drawer fronts, and removable drawers to assist in installation as well as on-the-job convenience.

The drawer system also comes with dividers, a telescoping top shelf, a 2 ½-inch riser built-in, and concealed latching hardware for durability and security. All American Eagle drawer systems are engineered and custom-made to fit the user’s specifications. A drawer system measurement guide is available online to assist with proper upfitting and ordering.

Masterack SmartSpace Cargo Storage

The SmartSpace product line from Masterack is a modular cargo management system that offers a variety of shelves, drawers, and accessories that slide into upright panels for infinite storage possibilities. Made from structural foam and aluminum materials, this system provides weight savings over comparable steel interiors. These quiet, composite shelves hold as much weight as steel, with heavy-duty grade-8 fasteners to secure the system to a vehicle.

The modular design features 22-inch stackable uprights designed for use in any cargo vehicle size as well as a variety of shelves, drawers, and accessories that slide into the upright panels for infinite storage possibilities. Modules can be installed at 90 or 180 degrees for convenient side or rear door access and the heavy-duty aluminum rail mounting system engineered to secure system in the vehicle. Additionally, sound-absorbing shelves, uprights, and secured drawers deter tools and equipment from rattling while the vehicle is in motio

Posted in cargo van, Commercial Van, Van Ladder Racks

Commercial Vehicle Safety Equipment

Commercial Vehicle Safety Equipment

Stay Safe with Ranger Design’s Commercial Vehicle Safety Equipment

As a mobile technician, what is your greatest asset? Some may say your commercial vehicle or high-quality tools, and these certainly would be important. However, YOU are your greatest asset! And with this in mind, it’s important to think ahead to ensure you’re doing all you can to stay safe. Here are a few examples of safety equipment such as partitions, Flettner vents and alurack ladder rack, that increase well being while driving or on the job:

1. Install a Partition for a Safe Ride:

With so many tools and heavy-duty materials in a commercial vehicle it’s imperative to guard yourself with effective safety equipment in the event of a crash. In a collision even a light object can become a missile, projecting forward at a speed of 20 mph. Being struck with that kind of force could easily be fatal which is why every cargo van needs to be upfitted with a partition. Contoured, sliding door or clear view, there’s a partition built to suit your every need.

2. Keep the Air Fresh in your Cargo Van with a Flettner vent:

Driving and working in your commercial vehicle all day can quickly heat up the air space in your van. Breathing stale air over a long period of time can prove unhealthy, especially if it’s mixed with other fumes such as gasoline or diesel. The product most used to keep the air fresh is the Flettner vent. Made to push toxic air out and fresh air in, it’s a simple solution to keep drivers healthy and awake on the road.

3. Get a Max Step for Easy Access to your Cargo Van:

To be constantly stepping up into your commercial vehicle all day long, especially a high roof, can create unnecessary back strain and medical issues. Also, there’s always the chance of slipping and falling when stepping down out of the van. To make access to the van easier and less hazardous, Ranger Design created the Max Step. A durable rear step for all cargo vans, this piece of safety equipment is designed to eliminate accidents and offer tradesmen easier access to their cargo area.

4. Eliminate Back Strain with a Max Rack:

The job of a mobile technician is generally physically demanding, so whenever possible it’s good to get the right safety equipment to help prevent injuries. For contractors working with tall ladders, getting them down from the roof of their commercial vehicle can be a challenge. It was for this reason that Ranger Design created the Max Rack, a drop-down ladder rack designed to make loading and unloading of the ladder an easy job. With one simple movement the Max Rack brings the ladder down to the right height with minimal effort.

5. Light up your Work space:

Lastly, there’s no telling what accidents can happen inside a dark van. Fumbling around blindly through sharp, metal equipment for your tools is only asking for trouble. Cuts and bruises, if not worse, are inevitable. To reduce that risk it’s only smart for tradesmen to install lights in the cargo space of their commercial vehicle. Ranger Design offers inexpensive and quickly upfitted LED light strips for all vans, illuminating your work space and increasing overall safety.

Ranger Design Offers the Full Safety Solution for your Trade

The right safety equipment is key for all tradesman to have in their commercial vehicles. Take every precaution while driving or on the job, and treat yourself to a long and healthy life!

Posted in cargo van, Van Ladder Racks

3 Key Steps to Setting up a Small Fleet

3 Key Steps to Setting up a Small Fleet

1. Preparation and Planning for your Small Fleet

The first step is most crucial to the success of your up and coming small fleet. You need to consider the impact of running your own company and how you will best manage it. Below are some tips to bear in mind when starting up:

  • The Market. Be sure to spend time carefully researching the market niche for your small fleet. Learn your customer base and size up your soon-to-be competitors. It is important that you know what you are up against and that you have a strategy to build your own loyal customer base. Decide how you are going to get your name out there. If possible, use your vehicles like moving billboards. Plan to have your fleet vans wrapped and get your company name and logo out there on the streets. Projecting a good image to potential customers is extremely important.
  • Expenses. Make a detailed plan of your expenses and your projected profits. Some expenses may include the purchase of a new vehicle or business location. There will also be payroll taxes, worker’s compensation and insurance, and of course your employee’s wages and benefit costs. How much you are able to spend on start-up costs will determine the size of your fleet but don’t make the mistake of multiplying your profits by the number of vehicles. Expenses may outweigh the profits in the beginning however that should change as you break further into the market.
  • Management. Plan how you will manage your small fleet in the most efficient way possible. Think about your invoicing and filing systems. How will they be best managed so it is an easy process for you and your customers? Scheduling is also important. GPS tracking devices can be extremely useful for this. By knowing exactly where your drivers are at all times, this will allow you to schedule their next appointments and give your customers an estimated arrival time.

There is a lot of planning needed when starting up a small fleet of your own and it is a good idea to get a second opinion. Speak to a consultant or a friend who may have gone through the same thing. They will make sure nothing is overlooked and will have helpful tips to get you started. 

2. Choosing the Right Vehicle for your Small Fleet

The next step is to choose the right cargo van to best maximize your potential. Take a look at the characteristics you’ll need the most in your fleet. Some factors include:

  • Price. Decide what are you willing to spend on your van. Do you want to buy it for the least amount possible in the beginning, and maybe upgrade once you are making a steady profit? Or do you want to bite the bullet and get a more expensive van that will last you for many years?
  • Fuel savings. Are you concerned with getting the best mileage possible? If you foresee your vehicles traveling over large distances daily, then a van with high fuel savings probably makes the most sense. Not only will you be saving money but you will also be making less of an impact on the environment.
  • Size. The size of your vehicle depends on your job. For fleets in a busy city, a smaller van makes more sense as it can fit into tight spaces and underground parking lots. However, it depends on what you will be using your vehicle for. If you plan to create a work station in the back of vehicle, then a high roof van is a much better option. Your employees will have the space to stand up without bending. The van size also depends on what you plan to carry. If you will be hauling skids, you need to make sure they will fit in your van and that they will not be heavier than the vehicle’s load capacity allows.

These are just a few suggestions to look into when choosing your fleet vans. Do some research on the cargo vehicles available and narrow them down to the one you think will meet your small fleet needs.

3.  Van Equipment for Your Small Fleet Van

Lastly, choose an upfit for your small fleet vans. Having the right van equipment for your work is an important factor in keeping the tools in your vehicles organized and in keeping your employees safe. Here are some products that you might consider putting in your vehicle for a better work experience:

  • Shelving. Outfitting your vehicle with shelving is a smart choice. Instead of having all your tools rolling free in the back of the van, they can be placed neatly on the shelves. This will help keep everything tidy and decrease the amount of time your employees spend searching for their parts and equipment. Bins and dividers can also be purchased with the shelves to offer an individual spot for the smaller tools.
  • Partitions. If you plan to put tools and equipment in the back of your vehicle, then a partition is mandatory. Although most cargo vans are sold with an OEM version, you may want to upgrade to one that will better suit your needs. For example, if your employees will constantly be entering the back of the van, you will want a partition with a door. Partitions are there to keep your driver’s safe, so why not get the most use out of them as possible?
  • Ladder Racks. If carrying any sort of ladder in your fleet van, a custom ladder rack is absolutely necessary. There are many different types available out there to suit your needs. First, decide which type of ladders and how many each vehicle will need to carry. Then research the rack that will be the most beneficial. If your employees will be accessing their ladders many times during a day, maybe a drop-down rack is the best option to reduce strain. If you are transporting both ladders and additional materials, then a cargo rack would be ideal.
Posted in Commercial Van, Van Ladder Racks

3 Warning Signs that it’s Time to Replace Your Ladder Rack
3 Warning Signs that it’s Time to Replace Your Ladder Rack

Action wants to help you keep your equipment and employees safe. Check out these warning signs to see if it’s time to get a new ladder rack. Duct tape, wooden uprights, lots of bungee cords… all are major red flags. But of course, as a safe and responsible trades person, you’d never partake in any of the above. But guess what? Your ladder rack may still need to be replaced.

In fact, many of the service workers we asked said that they have a hard time balancing the value of their ladder rack’s SAFETY with its COST. We’re here to tell you that SAFETY trumps cost every time. EVERY. TIME.

So, does your ladder rack need to be replaced?

If you’re even reading this, it’s probably time to take a good, hard look at your ladder rack and ask yourself if it’s time to call it quits.



Specifically on steel ladders, corrosion and rust are a signal that your ladder rack’s integrity is compromised. This is a problem in the Southern United States where the air is damp and humid. Moisture-rich air can eat into a steel rack and leave rust in its wake. What it does to your ladder rack: Rust eats away at steel, weakening the structure and solidarity of your ladder rack.

Note: Action uses Galvanized Square Tubing for our Ladder Racks. This will prevent the Ladder Rack from dripping rust onto your cab.

Dents / Structural Damage

They go through a lot, our ladder racks. But there comes a time when those “love taps” become serious structural damage. Ask yourself: What’s happened to my ladder rack? How many dents does it have? Can they be pounded out? Is there any significant structural damage due to dents? How damaged does my ladder look? What it does to your ladder rack: Dents and structural damage lead to disaster, plain and simple.

Loose Parts (Clamps, Handle, Latch)

Loose parts are a definite sign of deterioration and wear. Ask yourself:

  • Is the handle designed as part of the ladder rack or is it a separate piece?
  • Do you feel like your ladder might fly off your rack at any time?
  • Do you hear lots of rattling?
  • Do you need to “pad” hooks or uprights?
  • Are you missing screws, bolts, or other parts?
  • Are you using bungee cords to keep your ladder secure?
  • Do you use duct tape on your ladder rack IN ANY WAY?

What it does to your ladder rack: Loose parts transform your ladder rack into a very dangerous piece of equipment.


The design and style of your ladder rack for van is important to inspect, because it directly impacts your safety. If your rack is difficult to lower – or doesn’t lower at all – this can wear on your shoulders and back. A poor ladder rack design is one that was made to cut costs, in most cases. When cost is the main concern, safety and ease-of-use take a back seat.

How do you spot a poorly designed ladder rack? One way is to carefully inspect the materials it’s made with. Check the joints carefully; a solidly structured joint is a sure sign of quality. Look at bolts and screws – if anything is loose or poorly made, it’s a sign that the integrity of the rack is in question. Also check what type of protection is in place for your ladder. No padding? That’s going to wear on your ladder over time.

Do a little investigating – go online and check out manufacturer reviews on Google, Facebook, and other social media sites you visit. Another sign that your ladder rack is quality – your manufacturer is well-known in your industry. Never heard of them? Time to re-think who you’re buying your rack from.

Things to Check:

  • Material – Rack
  • Material – Clamps
  • Screws / Bolts
  • Joints

What it does to your ladder rack: A poor design can damage your ladder, your vehicle, and your overall health. Stop and ask yourself if it’s worth it.


The last sign that you need a new ladder rack is that YOU’RE changing. Maybe your rack is great – or was great for your needs, at one time. But now you’re growing, or you’re changing vehicles, or maybe your business goals have changed. Whatever the reason, if your rack doesn’t fit your workflow, goals, and needs, it’s time to get a new ladder rack.

Posted in Commercial Van, Van Ladder Racks

Best Van Ladder Rack of 2020

Van ladder Racks - Utility Rig - System One aluminum ladder racks, truck  racks, van racks, truck tool boxes
Best Van Ladder Rack of 2020

Businesses that imply working with own equipment require proper transportation means, or else, it will not work. Contractors, small and large companies usually have trucks or vans that can be sent out on the field whenever required and, in those vehicles, there is every single piece of equipment that the workers might need. Giving the fact that some tools and accessories are bigger in length and width than the actual vehicle, additional racks are needed. Ladder racks for trucks are some of the most commonly used among contractors, as it represents the only safe way to transport a ladder.

If you are wondering whether a ladder rack is optional when doing field work, the answer is 100% no. Although it is not mandatory by law, it is crucial to own one in order to be able to perform your duties well. Otherwise, how would you be able to climb or to reach items at height? Borrowing a ladder or asking your clients to provide you with one is not really a professional approach.

There are a few benefits that come with the use of a ladder rack:

  • You save space and can use it to store other pieces of equipment
  • You save time by optimizing the unloading and reloading process
  • You get to protect your equipment
  • You get to transport the ladder safely

If you are currently doing your research in order to buy a new ladder rack for van, but you aren’t sure what is the difference between one product and the other, then you are in the right place. We have selected five of the best-selling models and reviewed them for you, based on personal observations and consumer feedback. Below, you will see the pros and cons of each and every product in particular, so that you can compare the advantages and the downsides and make the best choice for your needs.

Best Products of 2020

Oklead Truck Ladder Rack for Pickup Trucks

Ladders are sturdy pieces of equipment that allow you to reach a wide variety of spots, electrical systems and even the roof. To be that sturdy, that have to be made of heavy-duty materials, which is why transporting them has to be done carefully, as they can scratch or damage the interior of the car.

Using a truck ladder rack is the wisest choice. This product from Oklead comes at a fair price. It is worth the price, giving its features and high-quality materials. It can be adjusted anywhere between 46 and 67 inches. It is made of steel and has sturdy steel racks with a capacity of 500 pounds. installing this rack on your truck is a breeze. It comes with all the installation hardware that you need: 12 bolts, 12 lock washers, 12 flat washers, 12 nuts, a set of 8 screws and a hexagonal wrench.

This model includes detailed instructions, so you will be able to set it up without any additional help. The only challenge could be the fact that some drilling is required in order to install it. If you have experience setting up racks, then it will be easy for you. This product is practical and safe to use. The fact that it is adjustable makes it easier for you even take it off your truck and install it on a different one.

What’s to like?

  • It is fairly priced
  • It has a sturdy design
  • It is made of steel
  • It is a heavy-duty rack
  • It is adjustable
  • It includes all installation hardware
  • It has matt black powder coating
  • It has a 500-pound capacity
  • It is covered by a one-year warranty

What’s not to like?

  • It requires drilling

AA-Racks X35 Truck Rack with (8) Non-Drilling C-Clamps

This standard bed rack model is known to be extremely efficient when it comes to ladder transportation, as well as the transportation of any other type of large sized equipment. Thanks to the extendable top bar, it fits different kinds of truck beds. Unlike other similar models, this product requires no drilling and includes a set of 8 C-clamps that help with the installation. However, just like any other non-drilling model, it isn’t compatible with utility track systems. Thanks to its easy-to-use set up system, it is easy to put on and take down whenever needed. It features a rope hook on the side of the uprights, so it provides the security you need.

Being powder coated in matte black, it is rust-resistant and has more durability over time. the C-clamps are made of aluminum, which also makes them durable, but more than that, lightweight. The top cross bar of this rack is extendable and can be adjusted for different size bed width, with a maximum of 71 inches. Thanks to its design, it offers 30.5 inches height to the clearance and 26 inches to the cross bar, so the roof of the vehicle will be protected at all times. Although this is a product that is compatible with most vehicles, it is important to check the on-drilling and compatibility list that the manufacturer offers.

What’s to like?

  • It is medium-priced
  • It is made of heavy-duty materials
  • It is adjustable
  • It is a non-drilling model
  • It includes 8 C-clamps made of aluminum
  • It is easy to install and take down
  • It has a side rope hook on all 4 sides
  • It is powder coated in matte black
  • It weighs 50 pounds
  • It is ideal for ladder transportation

What’s not to like?

  • It isn’t compatible with utility track systems

AA-Racks Model X3501 Short Bed Truck Ladder Rack

This is another ladder rack model manufactured by AA Products Inc. that is known for its high-quality. By comparison to the previous products presented in this list, it is pricier. However, it is worth every cent, as it has a unique design and it is made of heavy-duty materials that last in time. It comes with a bracket bar that is capable of strengthening the basic truck rack. There are two bracket bars included, each with 6/4 grade 8 carriage bolts. It includes two one-piece handrails that facilitate setting up the rack. Thanks to this system, you can enjoy the benefits of the grab and hop method.

This X35 rack is ideal for ladder transportation, but it can also be used for kayaks or canoes. It can be installed on almost all kinds of trucks, having an extendable top cross-bar. It has an inner bed width that can be adjusted between 51 and 71 inches and a height that can be set to 30.5 inches to the clearance and 26 inches to the cross bar. Its wide compatibility is also due to the adjustability of the over-cab extension bar and side bars. Most users of this product don’t only transport ladders on it, but also find it convenient for large tool box transportation.

What’s to like?

  • It has a great design
  • It is ideal for ladder, toolbox or kayak transportation
  • It is adjustable
  • It has two bracket bars
  • It is easy to install
  • It has 30.5 inches distance to the cross bar
  • It has adjustable over cab extension and side bars
  • It has nicely designed support bars
  • It has a grab and hop system for the truck bed
  • It includes all required installation hardware

What’s not to like?

  • It is pricier than most ladder rack models
  • It required drilling

AA-Racks Model DX36 Universal Two Bar Drilling

If the previous products that we analyzed in this list so far were mostly designed to truck use, this model is suitable for van use. Its advantage is that it is smaller in size and more inexpensive. The same model is also available in 3-bar, so you might want to check that out, too. This product from AA Products Inc. has a 13-gauge steel construction, a maximum capacity of 350 pounds and a 4-inch total height clearance. Its cross bars are 1.2 inches in diameter. One of the nice features of this model is the fact that the length of the bars is adjustable and can be set anywhere between 35 to 63 inches. Another important detail is the fact that it has an 11-gauge high-strength steel mounting base.

Although this is a great product that can be easily installed, it requires drilling, so you might want to think twice whether you can do that or not. A downside is the fact that it doesn’t include accessories for the height clearance, so you need to buy them separately. The total size of this model is 36.6 x 8.3 x 10.6 inches and it weighs 17.6 pounds. It is painted in sandy black and it is fixed, not folding.

What’s to like?

  • It is inexpensive
  • It is practical
  • It is easy to install
  • It mounts on the roof of the van
  • It has a steel construction
  • It has adjustable cross bar
  • It has high-strength steel mounting base
  • It has 4-inch total height clearance
  • It has 2 bars
  • It comes in sandy black

What’s not to like?

  • It doesn’t include accessories
  • It requires drilling for installation

EAG Adjustable Truck Contractor Ladder Rack

If you are looking for a seriously advanced ladder rack that can be used to transport all kinds of equipment that a contractor might need with ease, then this is the option that you should consider most. Its price is higher than most products in this list, but let’s not forget that it is designed for professional use and that it is made of the highest quality materials.

This product has some great features that should be taken into consideration before deciding on other model. First of all, it is fully adjustable, which means that it can be customized in any way the user wants. Second, it has the highest capacity seen in this list so far. It supports a total weight of 1000 pounds. Its third advantage is that it is made of 2-inch tubing.

This product isn’t only practical and strong, but it also has a gorgeous design. It has a glossy black finish that screams care and professionalism. Another advantage worth mentioning is the fact that it comes with a removable rear bar. Also, it has a gusseted corner that offers extra strength. Last, but not least, it includes a built-in air deflector that helps eliminate cab noise. If you want to buy a product that is highly convenient and versatile in the context of any contractor type of work, you just found your match.

What’s to like?

  • It is made of the highest quality materials
  • It is fully adjustable
  • It supports up to 1000 pounds
  • It is made of .120 wall 2-inch tubing
  • It has glossy black finish
  • Its rear bar is removable
  • It includes gold zinc plated hardware
  • It is easy to install
  • It has built-in air deflector
  • It has built-in tie down in every leg

What’s not to like?

  • It only fits compact trucks